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प्रयोजनं चास्य स्वस्थस्य स्वास्थ्यरक्षणमातुरस्य विकारप्रशमनं च || २६ ||

“The purpose of this science (Āyurveda) is to preserve the svastha (health) of the healthy and cure the vikāra (imbalance) of the unhealthy.”

Ca Sū 30:26





The oldest healing system, recognized by WHO. This ancient tradition, over 5.000 years old, practiced without interruption ever since, remains mostly accessible through the Saṃhitās, compendiums redacted in Sanskrit and covering a wide range of subjects, from health prevention to surgery. 

Āyurveda's logical, universal and holistic approach emphasizes the interconnection of all substances and and offers timeless wisdom applicable worldwide and at all stages of life. It focuses on maintaining balance of body, mind and consciousness promoting individualized health choices in a world of one-fits all solutions. 

Ultimately, Āyurveda gives us the tools to secure longevity so that each person lives the fullest and most rewarding life possible, up to its full potential. 


 Our Services  ➝

Discover our offerings to get you started on your path to radiant wellness and the best version of yourself. While all these roads lead to your balance and best potential, how fast you will reach them depends solely on your motivation and commitment. Whatever path chosen, we will assist you every step of your journey.  

Spa Services 

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1:1 Consultations 

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Retreats & PK

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Coaching Services

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Mentoship Programs 

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From International Business Lawyer to Vaidya.

Jayadā discovered Āyurveda in 2011 in Kerala through Pañca Karma treatments. Surprised by the radical change these treatments bring about, she researched this field and soon discovered that the Āyurvedic definition of health includes not only physical but also mental well-being and happiness. She left her career in international business law behind to dedicate 100% of her time to the study and practice of authentic Āyurveda.


Jayadā studied classical Āyurveda in the U.S.A. and India full-time for several years in a traditional Gurukula setting with recognized practitioners and mentors and is still in touch with them to this day. Her approach is rooted in Śuddha Āyurveda (ie. the traditional, pure Ayurveda as taught before the B.A.M.S. was instituted at Indian Universities), which she brings to the West in a modernized, yet undiluted way, through lectures, coaching, consultations, and pañca karma retreats.

“Jayadā's very presence is a refuge for healing and transformation, her hands are precise, deliberate and compassionate and her clinical mind sharp, discriminating and well-steeped in the classical foundations of Āyurveda. Jayadā is a torch-bearer for the authentic practice of Āyurveda and thereby she is herself an instrument to balance the weary and worn or even to reverse pathologies already born.”


Kashyapa Fisher, Albuquerque, U.S.A



Please fill out the form for inquiries and collaboration requests with Jayadā (interviews, podcasts, speaking engagements) or our services (collaborations for retreats, ephemeral Spa set-up or other events).