उपक्रम्यस्य हि द्वित्वाद्विघैवोपक्रमोः । अकः सन्तर्पणस्तत्र द्वितीयश्वापतर्पणः ।। १ ।।

“Upakrama (treatment) is of two types because of the dual nature of upakramya (imbalance or dōṣās). One is santarpaṇa (addition therapy) and the other is apatarpaṇa (reduction therapy).”

AH SŪ 14:1


Immerse & Recharge 

Short āyurveda retreats are the perfect opportunity to deepen and accelerate a rebalancing śamana process. 

All Escapes are start with a zoom session to design daily tailored Ayurveda treatments over the course of 3-4 days. Expect 2-3 hours of treatments per day, as well as optional breathwork, yoga, excursions and cooking classes (offered in a group setting only). Our short retreats usually run from Monday through Wednesday or Thursday  (3 nights on site) Limited to 2-4 participants per retreat. 

Please note that Wellness Escapes are not Pañca Karma Treatments, rather they are a wonderful way to discover adapted Āyurveda Treatments in a relaxed setting and a perfect short get-away. 

My Wellness Escape - Discovery Call


यदीरयेत् बहिर्दोषान् पञ्चधा शोधनं च तत् । निरूहो वमनं कायशिरोरेकोऽस्रविस्रुतिः ।। ५ ।।

Śōdhana (purification therapy) is that which expels the dōās (the corrupted dōās) out of the body.

AH SŪ 14:5


Cleanse. Reset. Rejuvenate. 

In classical Āyurveda and according to Caraka, the purification therapies are limited to five specific śōdhana karmas (treatments):

  • Vamana (to cleanse and reset the upper body)
  • Virecana (to cleanse and reset the digestive system and rakta systemically)
  • Śirovirecana (to reset the supra clavicular region) 
  • Niruhana basti (to reset all vāta systems)
  • Anuvāsana basti (to nourrish vāta systems)

 Some authors such as Vāgbhaṭa include Raktamokṣa (therapeutic bloodletting) in lieu of anuvasana, because the latter is considered not strictly cleansing.

Śōdhana cikitsa treatments are considered superior to śamana because they have the potential to fully eradicate metabolic waste and excessive, vitiated dōṣās.  Classically only carried out one by one during indicated seasons, they are generally preceded by pūrva karma (preparatory measures, generally a series of abhyanga and steam or other more tailored treatments) and followed by paścāta karma (after-measures), which notably include saṁsarjana krama (a specific dietary regimen), rasayanādi karma (rejuvenation and/or aphrodisiac, fertility protocol, as may be needed) and a tailored śamana protocol, if still necessary.

All our pañca karma retreats are unique and implemented classically. As pañca karma treatments require a body free of toxins, our protocols generally start with a guided home-detoxification with a restricted diet and other relevant recommendations. During the retreat, clients will receive about 2 to 3 tailored body treatments per day and will be coached throughout the whole process.

PK Retreats generally start on Monday morning (check-in) until the following Sunday (check-out) with 7 nights on site (ideally arriving Sunday evening). We also offer seasonal group retreats in select locations in Europe. 

To get started please book an initial consultation with us. If you are eligible for Pañca Karma, you will be invited to further work with Jayada 1:1 to create and prepare your PK journey. In addition, you may join our Group PK Coaching Program which runs over 6 months and will allow you to tap into the support of a dynamic PK community.

Our next Group Panca Karma retreat Coaching Program starts in October 2024. 

If you would like to find out more, please book a PK Discovery Call. 


PK Discovery Call


The Āyurveda content of this website is solely based on the education and opinions of our team and our contributors.

This website is not a substitute for independent professional advice. Nothing contained in this site is intended to be used as medical advice and it is not intended to be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, nor should it be used for therapeutic purposes or as a substitute for your own health professional's advice.

This information about Āyurveda and the Āyurvedic tradition of self-care and wellness is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health-care professional. This website is intended to share knowledge and information about the tradition of Āyurveda, as it is presented in the ancient texts.  

If you need medical advice, please consult your primary health care physician.